A Member Recalls Visiting Captain Anderson's Grave on 11/08/10

Here is the article submitted by a member we trust you will enjoy. On 11/08/10 website member author of "A Yankee With Quantrill" and "Rebel in the Woods" Ernie Worthen and his lovely wife made a trip. I am sharing a small part of their e-mail.  

Today my wife and I made the trip to Richmond, Missouri to see and decorate the grave of Captain Anderson. He is in a small cemetery know as the Mormon Cemetery.  His grave is off to itself on one end of the cemetery.  It was a peaceful scene and one that warmed me from the inside out.  We took a picture of his stone which shows some damage and then placed the Confederate flag and yellow roses on it. I gave him a salute and wished that he may find peace and thanked him for his service. This might seem Corney to some but it was something I had wanted to do for some time.  My great-great uncle rode with Anderson and later with the James brothers. Enjoy reading the site and I have learned much from it.  If you get a chance there is a book that was printed in St Joseph MO in 1912. It is "Recollections of a Pioneer" by Watt Gibson. Mr Gibson was a Missouri Rebel and was with Anderson when he was killed. I found that Amazon sells a copy of it and it is well worth reading. Have a great day and keep up the good work. Same to you and yours, Ernie Quantrillsguerrillas.com. Images of Captain Anderson in death as well as his decorated grave. This article was submitted by Ernie Worthen  ©Quantrillsguerrillas.com. Permission should be obtained before using any copyrighted material.                                                                

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